10 Steps to Stop the New World Order – Practical Guide for Everyone.

Full disclousure, this isn't my work, It's been copied from this site and I'm posting it, here, in English, as I think that it is important to do so for the English readers here.


The Globalists are determined to subjugate all of humanity to an unprecedented tyranny through their Great Reset, Agenda21, Agenda 2030 and New World Order. Is there anything normal citizens that you and I can do to stop them? Yes absolutely!

They are much less than 1%, while we are the vast majority with 99.99% of humanity. WE HAVE THE POWER, NOT THEM. Their biggest fear is that we would realize this.

Once the masses of humanity rise up simultaneously and start taking intelligent action, it will be over for these criminal elites. That's why we've created a short practical guide that gives you ten practical steps to help you take action.


Don't be silent to protect yourself. Watching a man rape a child and standing by without doing anything is obvious complicity. You have refused to stop it, which is the same as letting it happen. This applies to all forms of crime. When we stand by and do nothing, we are part of the criminal act.

It's time to stand up and do something.


The key to the success of these criminal operations is public ignorance. Their worst nightmare is that humanity would become aware of what is going on. Because once the people understand what is really going on, they will resist, and the plans of the corrupt leaders will fail. That is why they focus all their efforts on brainwashing the population to keep them ignorant. Our main focus must be to use all possible means to inform the people around us. Share videos, articles, reports, etc. Never give up doing this.

We must open the eyes of the people, so that they stop following and start resisting.


I've designed flyers, posters, banners, and memes that you can use in your community to direct people to StopWorldControl.com . Since we don't own the mainstream media, we have to inform people by handing out leaflets, distributing leaflets door to door and putting up posters in public spaces. We have to place ads in local papers, rent billboards, and pay for radio ads, all of which point people to StopWorldControl.com or any other website you want people to visit.

Below is an example of an informational flyer that you can download for free, print as often as you like, and distribute in your community.


Inform the people in your community who are unknowingly the minions of the criminal entities by unquestioningly carrying out their insane orders. We must open their eyes. Send short letters and invite them to watch important documentaries and interviews. MONOPOL is one of the best productions of all time to open people's eyes. Also send them the Grand Jury Evidence and Vaccine Death Report . Be professional, polite and concise in your communication.

We need to wake up the following people: local government officials, law enforcement officials, school principals and teachers, hospital staff, local media, judges, pastors, lawyers, etc. Many of them are bribed to support the criminal systems, but some are not, and when their eyes opened, they can become powerful forces of truth.


Organize public screenings in rented spaces, showing eye-opening videos like THE PLAN , or MONOPOLY . Invite friends and neighbors, as well as local law enforcement, local government, school and hospital staff, local media, etc. Advertise the event in local newspapers and by handing out flyers. Public viewings can ignite a massive awakening!


Get involved in local politics, industries, school boards, public meetings, local media, etc. Make your voice heard in your community. Show official documents, talk about the real plans of the elite, explain how the World Economic Forum is an undemocratic organization that controls the whole world, point out how the World Health Organization is set up to be a world government through their pandemic agreement.

Share the truth to make people think. Don't expect immediate results, but start by dropping some truth bombs that can activate the critical thinking process of good people.


Don't follow the mandates that prohibit human interaction and force you to inject yourself and your loved ones with DNA-altering toxins. Don't play their game, but resist. They can never arrest the entire population. If enough of us don't follow along, there's nothing they can do. No government can arrest millions of people!


Move away from depending on their services and start creating alternative solutions. This applies to shopping, healthcare, media, finance, etc. Learn to grow your own food, invest in off-grid energy solutions, start your own business. Begin the adventure of moving away from your control systems and learn to thrive as an independent human being.


Connect with like-minded people so you can learn from them and help each other. However, make sure you never let anyone control you. We are here to help others, not to rule over each other. Build healthy communities – not little cults. Our World Freedom Directory can help you find like-minded groups in your area. Do not become dependent on organizations but use them to grow in knowledge and become more effective in your resistance.


Prepare for upcoming crises, such as food shortages, power outages, cyber pandemics, natural disasters and financial collapse. Educate yourself on how to prepare for times of crisis. Prepare mentally and practically. Create backups for food, water, energy and medicines. Build community if possible so you can help others and get help from them when disaster strikes. Learn to love others when they are in need.


Educate yourself about the laws of the land. These criminals break every imaginable law. They are lawlessness incarnate. They trample on every constitution, international agreement, medical code – they don't care about anything. If you get to know the laws of your country, you can resist their tyranny and point out how they commit acts of terrorism, murder, abuse, treason and so on.


Pray with passion and authority. Pray for justice to be done on earth and for humanity to be freed. Use your spiritual authority as a child of the Most High to rebuke and destroy demonic strongholds. When we say “NO!” for these evil powers they are rendered powerless. Bind the spiritual enemies of mankind and release creation from their grasp. Declare that justice, truth and freedom shall be set free upon the world.


Support those fighting for the future of our world. If you are financially active, then use your resources as a weapon to defeat the criminal elite and empower the freedom fighters. The elite are smarter than most of us. They do not sit on their money, but use it very strategically to deceive humanity. For example, they invest in the media, which they use to blind the people. Follow their example and be strategic with your resources. Don't wait until you're dead, use your money now to sponsor powerful initiatives that can make a real difference in the world.

Together we can end this nightmare and build a better world. The future is bright, if we all do our part.