Ebrius Disputatio

A thing's not wrong because it's illegal, a thing is illegal because it's wrong.

The more one thinks of the solution for the alleged useless classes, the more the movie franchise, “The Matrix,” comes to mind. Though not a perfect depiction of the global elitist plans, Casey nevertheless, makes some pertinent and accurate points. In order to survive and win, the few freedom lovers still in existence, will need to start thinking more creatively and differently.

Doug Casey Exposes the Global Elitists Plan for Feudalism 2.0 & How You Can Resist.

How will Feudalism 2.0 develop over the coming months and years?

I always liked and respected the opinions of Victor Davis Hanson. However, I'm just starting to realize that he's a massive Zionist and Israeli shill too. Were we always this brainwashed? It sure seems that way and it is refreshing to finally be able to use our eyes, for the first time.

In this feature article by VDH, he blames Iran as the cause for all the ills of the region, with the help of the administration of Biden and Harris. Who are we kidding? Neither Biden nor Harris, have anything to do with running the US government. The jury is still out as to who is actually pulling all the strings in Washington besides organized Zionism.

He is also quick to refer to Iran's close relationship with fellow outcast nations, Russia and China and by extension BRICS as an anti American, axis. It may stun Hanson to know that such sentiments are closer to home, in the US, than many people may realize.

Hanson also blames alleged anti-American and anti-Semitism for the direction which he blames the democrat regime's direction, although he doesn't present any real examples for those claims. We'll just have to speculate.

While highlighting the many follies of the deep state regime, he still leans on the side of the neocon Zionists and claims that the parasitic state of Israel, is our ultimate best friend. Anyway, one can read it in the author's own words, for oneself.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: How To Blow Up The Middle East War In 5 Easy Steps.

The empire of ZOG is falling & failing. They're running out of time.

Perhaps, in the not so distant future, California may forgo any identification, for all purchases of guns and ammunition. Who needs ID anyway? Where in the constitution is there a rule for any citizen to prove his or her identity? California may be a trendsetter on this issue. We'll see.

It's obvious that the governor's party isn't keen to risk having fair, legal and or verifiable elections. Maybe, the governor and his party, have plenty to hide.

California Just Banned Voter ID In All Elections.

Nothing to see here and absolutely, nothing to hide. This is the farce of what the democrats & ZOG call American democracy.

He and NATO are incredibly fucking stupid. The question was obviously, rhetorical. We can see what real, snivelling pussies all of NATO, the EU and the US, truly are when led by complete, cowardly, fucking morons. Russia would eat these pussies alive and they know it. However, instead of backing down and fucking off, they want to save face with their futile, public relations stunts and lies.

I for one want the west, nuked myself. I never suffer fools lightly. In fact, a healthy dose of nuclear weapons detonations, would allow the few freedom lovers still left in the west to start anew and keep our real enemies, here at home in their places. It is impossible to contain all this seething hatred. We may as well have a final, mindless, bloody, violent war. However, I digress.

Stoltenberg like all the idiots in NATO, the EU the UK and the US are all using the same narrative, stating that Russia is hiding behind the skirts of Chinese women, presumably. One wonders, just whose skirts, is Stoltenberg's Norway, hiding behind. Whose skirts are the EU, UK, and NATO hiding behind really? Plus, the way the US is going, even the men are wearing the skirts, since they've mostly turned Sodomites and crossdressers now. Just take a look at the Biden administration.

Russia is already a powerhouse, industrial nation with only one third of the population of the US. It has an even lower population ratio in comparison to the EU and she is running circles around those fools. The Russian people are a more serious lot than the fools in the west. It is they who deserve the right to survive.

It is China who is grateful for Russia's friendship. Russia has leaders who have level minds. China is not making or giving Russia weapons, but the west has to lie, it has to rationalize its deep misunderstanding of its own deep folly, of starting the very war that has already begun to destroy it. China knows now that she is also within the cross hairs of the fledgling west and together with her allies, stand a chance to kick the west squarely in the nuts. When all is said and done, I approve of this sentiment. Fools have no right to rule over wiser men.

Moscow Beholden To Beijing In Anti-Western Axis, Says Idiotic NATO Chief.

Jens Stoltenberg is a great big Norwegian pussy, hiding behind the skirts of US transvestites and their rainbow faggot flags.

That's pretty much the mantra of California, since the state has become minority white. Which is why the ZOG deep state must replace white families, quicker than they can breed. Their plan is transparent as clean, clear glass no matter how much they dispute it. We know and clearly see what the plan is.

Ever since California has become a third world ecosystem, she has thumbed her nose at the US Constitution. She isn't alone either, every democrat run state, has also followed suit. Naturally, fake republican in name only (RINO), governors like that faggot in Ohio, also do the same. It is no wonder, that Nancy Pelosi's nephew, Gavin Newsom, is assured that nothing will come of this blatant attack on freedom of speech. Democrats know that they can get away with any crime, including murders. Who is going to stop them? You?

California Passes Package Of Laws To Combat Election Deep-Fakes.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has passed laws banning politically-themed and deceptive AI deepfakes during elections.

I wonder why Hezbollah chose Pagers instead of cellphones? They probably thought they were safer from spying. I wonder where that idea came from? In a way they were probably right, imagine how much explosive material can be placed in a phone compared to a pager. One presumes that there's more bang for the buck in an exposing cellphone.

The Mossad is overrated, it is obvious that Hezbollah is compromised. They're crawling with Mossad assets. Sometimes, a man's worst enemies are in his own household. Metaphorically and literally. One wonders why terrorists or spies would chose to use pagers today.

It may or may not be well known, that those pager signals can be captured, even using SDR receivers and that the captured messages, are more often than not, in plain text. Pagers have been a target for law enforcement for decades before they were usurped by smartphones, why would anyone think that using them for nefarious means now, would change things? Anyway after the recent attacks perhaps spies and terrorists will resort to carrier pigeons from now on, they're far less explosive.

It Seems like this was a very elaborate plan. Imagine all the different types of assets one needed to pull this scheme off. Obviously, the targets were under surveillance, perhaps, even with agents already placed inside homes and businesses.

Let's see if it was worth it. It's doubtful, ZOG has already lost the veiled camouflage. They're quickly running out of friends and supporters. So many people must have been bribed.

We can speculate on just how the Ukraine spending went. It's not just for stealing elections. Did I just commit the crime of misinformation? Is my free speech, Russian misinformation? I'm probably safe, since I'm doing it for free.

It's easy to hate a deep state that steals elections, spreads lies in broad daylight, blows up food plants and kills livestock, all just to fabricate artificial starvation. This is just scratching the surface it's way worse than all that.

Obviously my illusion of having a right to free speech is breaking myriad laws all over the once free world. Too bad. Fragile empires don't last and truth is oftentimes offensive but no less a reflection of reality.

Can we all agree with that sentence? It's a bit contextualized however, one is quite sure, that it reflects the essence of the first amendment. So what business does the Congress have, in passing or even proposing the KOSA online censorship bill? For those who are too busy with their cartoon images with witty comments, the KOSA is the alleged, Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). Which is just another bill using the safety of children, to further trample on the rights of the rest of us. No doubt that the Democrats are all in favor of censorship but we know that the uniparty republicans will help them pass this monstrosity.

We're not holding out hope that the US Constitution will be a guide here because this country is too far gone to be saved. So by all means, the deep state elitists, can trample on all the fake rights and rules that they claim to uphold and protect. This fake society, with its fake rules and rights are soon coming to an ungovernable end. Let them do their worst, in the end it's all vanity and they will fail.

Obviously, the EFF is in favor of murdering babies but that's something they'll have to wrestle with, this is still a free speech issue that restricts the power of the US Congress and for that, we should all, put up obstacles. The political elitist class, knowing that it is harder to get criminal charges for free speech, are now using the civil courts to bankrupt and destroy anyone straying away, from the conventionally, approved narratives. Look what they've done to Alex Jones and Donald Trump, Julian Assange, just to name a few.

KOSA’s Online Censorship Threatens Abortion Access.

For those living in one of the 22 states where abortion is banned or heavily restricted, the internet can be a lifeline. It has essential information on where and how to access care, links to abortion funds, and guidance on ways to navigate potential legal risks. Activists use the internet to organize and build community, and reproductive healthcare organizations rely on it to provide valuable information and connect with people in need.

I know, I know, we'll never use them but they're really pretty, aren't they? Which monster would want to ban these babies? Give the gun grabbers an inch and one could end up, six feet underground. Just saying. Enjoy.

Smith & Wesson’s Model 1854 Lever-Action

One of America’s biggest names in firearms reconnects to its roots with a new lever-action rifle platform in several fast-handling, visually appealing models. Initially chambered for .44 Magnum, then .45 Colt, other centerfires—even a rimfire—are said to be on the way.

How is it, that only people like Trump, JFK, RFK, Reagan and a few others have assassination conspiracies on their heads? It would be baffling if no one else contemplates, that people who are for world government, people who are authoritarians, people who commit genocides, never get assassinated or if so, they rarely do.

How is it that only people who reject the mockingbird, so called, mainstream media outlets are the types that are sanctioned for the kill? It's only those types who question the military industrial complex, the federal reserve, the endless wars and the outlandish corruption in high places in governments? How is it that Macron in France, Starmer in the UK, Netanyahu in Palestine, the morons running Sweden, Finland, Ukraine and the Baltic states are spared the assassin's hand?

Isn't this question a legitimate one? Or is this just some mindless, violent hate speech from a white supremacists supreme? Are questions like this one, forbidden? Are they covered by the first amendment of the US Constitution, or are we still pretending that, that document is still the law of the US land? It is absurdly odd, that only dissidents of conventional narratives are the ones who get targeted for murder.

Faggots like these two, always seem to be devoid of assassination attempts, why is that? These two morons are bent on starting world war three but they're the untouchable ones.

According to emails from the Trump campaign there was reportedly, another assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life. The text of the alert reads like this:


There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL! Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER! I will always love you for supporting me. Unity. Peace. Make America Great Again. May God bless you,

Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States MAGA

According to several mockingbird media outlets, the suspect assassin, is one, Ryan Wesley Routh. Routh allegedly, used a scoped AK47, to take his shots and the rifle was allegedly found at the scene of the shooting. One can only speculate why the shooter ran away, leaving his weapon. Routh was reportedly, stopped on Highway 95, and presumably arrested.

The FBI has wrestled jurisdiction from the local authorities, therefore, corruption will be a factor in this investigation. Routh may be lucky if he can remain to stay alive, while in detention since it wouldn't be unheard of, for federal detainees, to end up dead of alleged suicides. We'll just have to wait and see.

Routh, who has a lengthy criminal record from North Carolina, frequently posted about politics and exclusively donated to Democratic candidates and causes dating back to 2019. There are reports that someone was trying to kill Donald Trump as he shot a round of golf on a golf course. They’re saying someone stashed an AK-47 in the bushes and started shooting at Trump.