Congress Shall Make No Law Abridging The Freedom Of Speech.

Can we all agree with that sentence? It's a bit contextualized however, one is quite sure, that it reflects the essence of the first amendment. So what business does the Congress have, in passing or even proposing the KOSA online censorship bill? For those who are too busy with their cartoon images with witty comments, the KOSA is the alleged, Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). Which is just another bill using the safety of children, to further trample on the rights of the rest of us. No doubt that the Democrats are all in favor of censorship but we know that the uniparty republicans will help them pass this monstrosity.

We're not holding out hope that the US Constitution will be a guide here because this country is too far gone to be saved. So by all means, the deep state elitists, can trample on all the fake rights and rules that they claim to uphold and protect. This fake society, with its fake rules and rights are soon coming to an ungovernable end. Let them do their worst, in the end it's all vanity and they will fail.

Obviously, the EFF is in favor of murdering babies but that's something they'll have to wrestle with, this is still a free speech issue that restricts the power of the US Congress and for that, we should all, put up obstacles. The political elitist class, knowing that it is harder to get criminal charges for free speech, are now using the civil courts to bankrupt and destroy anyone straying away, from the conventionally, approved narratives. Look what they've done to Alex Jones and Donald Trump, Julian Assange, just to name a few.

KOSA’s Online Censorship Threatens Abortion Access.

For those living in one of the 22 states where abortion is banned or heavily restricted, the internet can be a lifeline. It has essential information on where and how to access care, links to abortion funds, and guidance on ways to navigate potential legal risks. Activists use the internet to organize and build community, and reproductive healthcare organizations rely on it to provide valuable information and connect with people in need.