Middle East Jewels.

I always liked and respected the opinions of Victor Davis Hanson. However, I'm just starting to realize that he's a massive Zionist and Israeli shill too. Were we always this brainwashed? It sure seems that way and it is refreshing to finally be able to use our eyes, for the first time.

In this feature article by VDH, he blames Iran as the cause for all the ills of the region, with the help of the administration of Biden and Harris. Who are we kidding? Neither Biden nor Harris, have anything to do with running the US government. The jury is still out as to who is actually pulling all the strings in Washington besides organized Zionism.

He is also quick to refer to Iran's close relationship with fellow outcast nations, Russia and China and by extension BRICS as an anti American, axis. It may stun Hanson to know that such sentiments are closer to home, in the US, than many people may realize.

Hanson also blames alleged anti-American and anti-Semitism for the direction which he blames the democrat regime's direction, although he doesn't present any real examples for those claims. We'll just have to speculate.

While highlighting the many follies of the deep state regime, he still leans on the side of the neocon Zionists and claims that the parasitic state of Israel, is our ultimate best friend. Anyway, one can read it in the author's own words, for oneself.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: How To Blow Up The Middle East War In 5 Easy Steps.

The empire of ZOG is falling & failing. They're running out of time.