How Fucking Stupid Is Jens Stoltenberg?

He and NATO are incredibly fucking stupid. The question was obviously, rhetorical. We can see what real, snivelling pussies all of NATO, the EU and the US, truly are when led by complete, cowardly, fucking morons. Russia would eat these pussies alive and they know it. However, instead of backing down and fucking off, they want to save face with their futile, public relations stunts and lies.

I for one want the west, nuked myself. I never suffer fools lightly. In fact, a healthy dose of nuclear weapons detonations, would allow the few freedom lovers still left in the west to start anew and keep our real enemies, here at home in their places. It is impossible to contain all this seething hatred. We may as well have a final, mindless, bloody, violent war. However, I digress.

Stoltenberg like all the idiots in NATO, the EU the UK and the US are all using the same narrative, stating that Russia is hiding behind the skirts of Chinese women, presumably. One wonders, just whose skirts, is Stoltenberg's Norway, hiding behind. Whose skirts are the EU, UK, and NATO hiding behind really? Plus, the way the US is going, even the men are wearing the skirts, since they've mostly turned Sodomites and crossdressers now. Just take a look at the Biden administration.

Russia is already a powerhouse, industrial nation with only one third of the population of the US. It has an even lower population ratio in comparison to the EU and she is running circles around those fools. The Russian people are a more serious lot than the fools in the west. It is they who deserve the right to survive.

It is China who is grateful for Russia's friendship. Russia has leaders who have level minds. China is not making or giving Russia weapons, but the west has to lie, it has to rationalize its deep misunderstanding of its own deep folly, of starting the very war that has already begun to destroy it. China knows now that she is also within the cross hairs of the fledgling west and together with her allies, stand a chance to kick the west squarely in the nuts. When all is said and done, I approve of this sentiment. Fools have no right to rule over wiser men.

Moscow Beholden To Beijing In Anti-Western Axis, Says Idiotic NATO Chief.

Jens Stoltenberg is a great big Norwegian pussy, hiding behind the skirts of US transvestites and their rainbow faggot flags.