A Crusade To Reinvent The Wheel.

First, I must protest the notion that Twitter is, the most powerful force in global information transmission. Twitter is just the most populated instance of information transmission currently. The people who continue to use Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, especially the ones who know exactly what these platforms do, and still use them, whilst complaining about the inequities, remind me of codependent, abused spouses, who, for whatever reasons, refuse to walk away and begin anew. Even unicellular organisms know to do as much. When the amoeba, comes into the presence of unfavorable stimuli, they migrate away from it. I'm not sure if humans are the only organisms that try to fit in where they don't belong, but it sure seems that way at the moment.

With all the various micro blogging platforms, that exist today, many of them, superior to Twitter, one can only assume that, the dissatisfied people, who keep being censored are only still on those platforms, for purely psychological reasons. Indeed, When Donald Trump, was on Twitter, he had, I'm told, in excess of eighty million followers, today, on his own network, he has under four million. Why didn't all his followers migrate with him? Perhaps, because in their minds, Twitter is the party with all the cool kids in attendance, that they're trying to impress and perhaps, measure up to. I'm not saying these are their conscious thoughts, but what other factors would cause their behavior?

Many people use the excuse that, they're on these platforms because, all their friends and family are. Trust me, if those people found them, even remotely, interesting, they'd join them. I think that my point is this, if one's own family and friends are so enamored with the freedom hating platforms, that they can't be bothered to join their loved ones, even whilst, they're still using those platforms, the question must be asked, are these the friends and family that you should waste your time with? I mean, if one can't influence those people who give claims of love respect and friendship, how can one possibly have any sway, with total strangers? What are your thoughts?