Are There Any Subtle Connections Between PayPal & Papal?

What are the links between PayPal and papal?

It's a fairly innocuous observation, however, considering the facts that our enemies, revere symbolism, to include wordplay, presumably, one wonders, if indeed the connection between papal, which is a reference to the pope and all the significant history, power and symbolism which applies, had anything to do when the company PayPal was conceived and created.

It would be interesting to see if there are any visual clues or, for that matter, any evidence, no matter how cursory, which point in that direction. Obviously, we the conspiracy theorists of the world, are always on about this or that however, using symbolism is a great strategy to hide motivations and intentions, from all, in open view. Let's see how many visual clues or symbols, we may find from their logos, financial statements and business documents. One shouldn't be too surprised if one stumbles upon some funny pointy hats.