Are We The Bad Guys?

Admittedly, very few people will every read anything in that horrible magazine calling itself, “The Atlantic” or anything I write either, for that matter. It's probably, for the best. The Atlantic, is obviously staffed by operatives of the five eyes, working their real day job. If indeed, they need to do any dirty work, I'm guessing, that poison and potions, are their tools of the trade.

I think, that my point is this, if one is the enemy of the Atlantic, then one is probably, doing something right. That being said, it pains me to imagine, that I was wrong about these men, in the image provided. I'm losing my touch. For here, are men whom, I have detested for decades and now, I must be wrong and this is clown world, because there is no way in Hades, that I will ever, willingly, or otherwise, be on the side, of the fucking Atlantic. I'd rather be wrong perpetually.

Therefore, since The Atlantic, is always on the wrong side of history, both in the real world and the clown one, these men, then must be, the good guys. Trying to convince me, that, Joe Biden, Ursula von der Leyen and Rishi Sunak are the good guys, is akin to madness. I'd sooner succumb to Lucifer's temptations and worship him forever, that accept that premise. Which incidentally, is probably the same entity that they three, pledge their allegiances.