Since Washington DC, Has Already Declared War On The American People, Why Are They Hesitating To Officially Declare War On Russia?

Yes my friends, we are to shut up and let our betters lead us over that cliff down yonder. I mean, the laws are selectively applied, this time on the grounds of ideology and politics. The democrats and the other communist, authoritarian tyrants in training, have been tracking the law abiding Americans, while, their criminal assets are protected and allowed to roam free committing acts of timed terror. They have the American people so well under surveillance, that, the only way that, they only way that they could perfect their spying on us, would be to have cameras in all our rooms in all our homes.

It would be easier to believe that, some foreign power is responsible for the sabotage and treachery that has been unleashed on America, however, the culprits are so brazen and confident, they gladly reveal who they are by their policies and trust that their accomplices with academia, media, entertainment and vast military assets will give them the necessary cover that they need. Local laws, State laws, International laws, and US Constitutional laws are all being blatantly ignored, or applied only when convenient for the transgressing party. Examples of this, is easily illustrated, when one ponders, just how many shootings by black and other colored people occur, that get ignored by the media, Washington DC, politicians, the democrats and other globalist of the Marxist persuasion. Happily for them, because it's hard for them to hide or contain their glee, finally, there has been a shooting that meet all their criteria, which will allow them to propose even more power grabs, virtue signalling and express their profound and true hatred for everything the perceive as being white and the opportunity to unleash their bile of anti whiteism.

In addition to their usual plays, to power grab freedoms, the tyrannical left, will pretend to passionately, value life and demand that guns be banned, confiscated, penalized with more laws and perhaps more money for the lawmen, that were demonized, not so long ago. Never mind that the crime, as are many others, occurred in gun grabbing New York State. A state that has the most stringent gun and ammunition laws, yet still can't face the fact that, like the corrupt politicians who contrive them, those laws are meaningless, wrong, useless in their purpose and only oppress the law abiding. Murder is illegal, having laws that further oppress the law abiding citizens and residents will hardly deter any criminal bent on committing acts of violence. Indeed, an argument could be made, that because of the asinine New York State gun laws, which are unconstitutional, acts of violence, by violence producers, are made even more attractive and possible, because these actors can easily accomplish their mission of mayhem, without any threat of retaliation, form the lawmen or any civilians, because it is very unlikely, that any measures of retaliation, will ever occur. In essence, the very politicians, as they are wont to do, have ensured that the residents of New York and other dimwitted democrat run state, at risk and in mortal danger.

If the democrats are going to destroy the world, they had better put a rush on. Eventually, we will weigh the costs of safeguarding our freedoms and our lives against our pending mortality of ourselves, our loved ones and our possessions. The elitist may make as many laws as they see fit, in the end, just as the criminals do, exclusively, we will refuse to obey or abide by them too. Until there are reasonable interpretations and implementations of our guaranteed rights and liberties, instead of the systematic confiscations and denials of free people to defend themselves, always, even in democrat run states such as New York, we will fight fire with fire until reasonable minds become actively concerned about life and liberty, sincerely.