China Balloon Hysteria Is Just Another Neocon Deep State Psyop Aimed For Reactions.

All the tough talk from people that have no problems with our unguarded borders, three hundred sixty degrees around, now want harmless balloons shot down.

That's rich, the same government with the federal reserve, that on one hand, spends money that they don't have, while the other one, prints that money for them to spend, have consumers reeling at inflated prices, who will soon be laid off their jobs, have their home maintenance cost go up and are on the brink of loosing everything.

Those same people are mesmerized by the very media, that's still, telling them, Trump is a Russian agent, an American traitor and that peaceful protesters, demonstrating, in front of the Capitol building, were trying to violently overthrow the US government. Captivated by the very people that told them, they should take experimental injections, call them vaccines or lose their jobs, their rights, their freedoms and their privacy. So forgive me, if I don't have two fucks to give, about some fucking balloon.

Now all the R.I.N.O.S and democrats are talking tough because somehow they think that that's what the public wants to hear and perhaps some people do, but those people are fucking morons. That's how easily distracted some people are. How many people think that it's a good idea for the debt ceiling to be erased, so that congress can spend even more money so that the federal reserve can print that money for them to spend? How many of those people really believe that any of those types of policies will bring inflation and the price of goods and services into check? Well, whomever they are, they don't live in our reality, no sir, they're somewhere high and in a deep sleep. Let's hope they stay there and leave the heavy lifting and hard decisions to the rest of us.