Do Free Thinkers Need The Validation Of The Mockingbird Psyop Media In Order To Be Proven Right?

One thinks not, except if that is one's ulterior motive, to begin with. However, as long as one doesn't need the adoration, acceptance and or validation of others, in one's ideas and beliefs, then the answer to that initial question is a resounding no. The Europeans and Americans, claiming that they're sanctioning Russia undoubtedly, perhaps, affected the ways in which the Russian economy progressed, but it also caused the Russians to be adept and adaptable in countering the effects of the sanctions. The sanctions also pushed Russia to become closer with other sanctioned states and have caused them all to become less isolated and also strengthened their collective resolve.

Also, since the west have stupidly, shut down their industrial bases and import more goods that they export, they have become weaker and more poor. The west at this very moment, have a flood of workers now going into retirement, with no savings, high inflation with a looming economic catastrophe on the horizon. Also, the west have a large young population, that have been indoctrinated in government schools, with noting to show for it, no skills, no trades and the only thing that they bring to the table is their ignorance. The west in in a perilous state, judging by the metric.

Then there are the new emerging markets in China and India that are beginning to expand their manufacturing, industrial base, with high populations of skilled young workers and those nations are hungry for cheap Russian oil, gas and petroleum by products. With Russia and Iran joining forces, the Russian economy can now get all those soft consumer goods that have been cut off from Europe, via the Iranian producers. China and India too, will make up for whatever goods and services that have now been cut off by the Europeans, which, ironically, makes Europe the big losers in this economical war.

Anyhow, I talk too much, I'm sure that what I've discussed here and more will be contained withing the linked article.