Drunken Crazed Democrat Murders M.A.G.A Republican With Assault S.U.V.

In an obvious case of a M.A.G.A republican endangering Joe Biden's democracy, A Joe Biden, democrat, forty one year old Shannon Brandt, murdered Cayler Ellingson, an eighteen year old child.

Democrats, have been attempting murders and succeeding, in many of them, since the populist, M.A.G.A movement, have come to fruition. There was, the incident that occurred, in June 2017, when James T. Hodgkinson attempted to murder several republican congressmen, while they played baseball. There were many incidents, just prior to the Fentanyl riots, perpetuated by B.L.M and A.N.T.I.F.A, Marxists, in 2020, where trump supporters going to and coming from rallies were set upon by rabid democrats, upholding Joe Biden's democracy.

In Kenosha, Wisconsin, while trying to murder or attempt one, on a law abiding citizen, Kyle Rittenhouse, lefty, democrat, Biden and democrat supporters, were repelled by Rittenhouse while he was attacked on the streets, with skateboards, projectiles and firearms. Rittenhouse's, actions of self defense, caused the democrats in congress, to ban AR-15 rifles, because of the weapon's effectiveness, of repelling communists.

The congressional democrats, had planned to use their proverbial brown shirts, from A.N.T.I.F.A and B.L.M, to terrorize citizens into compliance, loot businesses, rape, destroy private property, and were alarmed at the effectiveness of American, heterosexual, White, men and their rifles, at quelling overt, real, life, lawlessness.

The narrative, being spread, that republicans, especially the ultra right M.A.G.A variants like me, are the problem terrorists, isn't holding up to close examination. Even at the Capitol, where the false flag January 6th, event was staged, to seem like some sort of violent revolt, the only people that were murdered, were M.A.G.A republicans, though it's obvious, that we haven't yet begun to fight.

The democrats clearly, think that we are as stupid, as they are, but normal everyday people are waking up to the fact that the democrats are phonies, frauds, hypocrites, criminals and no amount of gas lighting, false flags, or harassment, is going to undo this revelation. Image