Either We Reject The Deep State, Media Narratives Of Old Or We Accept Them. There Is No Lukewarm Way Out, We've Either Hot Or Cold.

I no longer believe that the events of September 11, were the works of Muslims and terrorists. I think that it was just another in a series of psychological war tactics, used against the American people, specifically and the inhabitants of the world on a whole. One cannot at the same time, reject the media, politicians, the deep state, the neocons and the pundits as liars and deceivers, then pick and choose from the narratives the provided. Either we reject them or accept, them or, we chose another path, which is to objectively audit our own motives and seek the truth ourselves.

I also admit that, because of the attacks on September 11, 2001, the media and deep state narrative, I have revised my thoughts, about how I view Muslims, the media, the deep state, the uni party and the neocons. Remember, since then, because of the psyop programming used against us, we have given the government immense powers, under the guise that it's for our safety against 'terrorists' and now many of us that question any narrative that we don't agree with, we have become the terrorist now.

So, I'm going to drop my previous bias against Muslims and all the other people that the media, deep state, uni party and other intelligence operatives have been spoon feeding us. If we see now how they have been bending and manipulating the truth. Even people whom we have previously respected are now suspect. My caution is to hold back on the generalizations and become more objective on a case by case basis since we are in an information war and we must figure out the rules of engagement.

We must, because of what we know now about the narrative spinners and our own gullibility, prejudices and precognitions, that we cannot, any longer blindly accepts any premise, no matter how we wish them to be true, at face value any longer. We must question all the narratives now, everything we once believed must be sourced out and audited for faulty code writing and syntax. If we have been hacked, it's time for us to fix the code.

Thank you. I think that it is important for us to know our minds, communicate clearly, deliberately and become proactive in this new war in which we find ourselves. In the past we have merely, reacted to the narratives presented us, we can do better now we have more experience with the tactics of our enemies and we can now think our way through, to better solutions causing us to visualize and articulate our status more accurately.