Exposing Criminal Regimes Will Get One The Assange Treatment.

Imagine being a journalist, or just someone, utilizing the internet to disseminate information and the moment that one exposes the crimes, of a criminal super state, one is forced to run for one's life, holed up in an embassy, to eventually be hauled off, to one of England's most dangerous prisons, being petitioned for extradition to the criminal super state, for the alleged crime of espionage, when all one did, was to expose the true crimes of a supposed republic, built on the “rule of law.” That is a synopsis of the ordeal experienced by Julian Assange.

The British legal system and indeed the government of the UK has been exposed as being utterly corrupt, if not cuckold by allowing this travesty of justice to have continued for as long as it has. One can only speculate at their own capabilities, in the criminal acts which Assange was able to reveal. Assange, even though, now free, will still have to plead guilty to crimes which he did not commit and has in essence, have chosen his freedom under duress. He was denied freedom, put in one of the world's most fearsome prison, denied freedom of movement, confined to a prison cell, never to feel the rays of sunshine. If there were a chance to be free, what would one's decision be?

One suspects, that only a few souls of men, could stand on principle, to refuse freedom, and lie about a crime one never committed in a trade to be free. Many men would like to think that it would be better to stand for their principles, but how many of them have ever worn that skin or those shoes?

Julian Assange is that proverbial, severed head mounted on a pike, for all the citizens of the kingdom to see. It's a reminder, an indicator of what happens when one points out any injustice, lies or fake narratives of the kingdom or the state. If anyone does so, this will be their presumed fate. Exposing the crimes of the powerful, will get one's head severed, have it mounted on a pole and will feed the carnivorous birds.

Assange's freedom will be a chance for him to heal from his ordeal, but he's still in the woods. He and people like him, will still need the support of people that revel in truth and such people must always be on the ready to assume the role of truth tellers, whatever the costs may be. There was a saying long ago, about truth, that suddenly comes to mind, at a time like this. I thing the words were, speak the truth, speak it ever, cost it what it will. He who hides the wrong he does, does the wrong thing still. Evil men have no time for such simple words. They're unrepentant and full of hubris and soon they'll be met with judgment. Make no mistakes, Julian Assange is a warning to anyone who dares to expose truth. We have been warned.