Finish Armored Personnel Carriers Given To Ukraine Now Predictably, Becoming Casualties Of War.

Reports are, that the Finnish government secretly gave Ukrainian military units the Sisu XA-180 APC. Well it seem as if the Russians are turning many of them into scrap and word is, one is now a trophy. It wont be long now as Ukraine have now served it purpose by trapping the EU into the American web.

The EU is now totally dependent on the US government, which should give Washington that warm and fuzzy feeling, since we all in the States aren't dependent on them at all and frankly we'd like to see them vanish from our view. All in good time. Whereas, many government entities in the United States, are just absolutely useless, unnecessary economical, financial burdens around the proverbial necks of the American citizens, who can't do anything right or good, let alone the one or two actual jobs under the constitution. So it's good that they may have to leave us and rule their colonies in Europe.

Anyway one wonders if there will be a Ukraine still around in five years from now. In under a year Ukraine have lost about one quarter of her acreage and the war is still young. NATO is toothless to do anything other than offer billions of dollars in kind, weapons and morale support. A Russia, with a history of fighting defensive wars on her territory, is no stranger to invaders, which is just what NATO and the EU would have to become and they're running the risk of having a new encirclement by a new iron curtain. One that will be well deserved. EU & NATO, keeps on provoking the hibernating mother bear.