Follow Up To The Kidnapping Of Free Speech.

Cloudflare throws Kiwi Farms to the wolves or under the bus or whatever. They did this without showing any evidence for their claims. These technology companies are not our friends. I learned about this conflict on Saturday last. Here is a list I've cataloged, to get anyone who cares, caught up. I first heard about it going through my LBRY watch list at @CoolHandJames's Channel, then here. My watch list is obviously, the newest items first, after that I visited Kiwi Farms, since I never visited the site ever, for some reason. I wouldn't want to be on their shit list but other that that, I found the site to be informative and in many ways humorous. I'm sad to see any free speech outlet stifled and I pray for their speedy return. In an update, CoolHandJames, left us this little gem.

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