Freedom Of Speech Takes Another Hit.

In recent years, we have seen the big technology giants in association with the big government bureaucracies and democrat politicians, colluding, to silence voices, content, speech and writings which they, for whatever reasons, find “offensive.” I think Alex Jones' Info Wars, was one of the first casualties of this new offensive onslaught on free speech. After that, the floodgates have opened up and many more have joined the list of people, entities, that have been silenced because of fragile egotistical egos, including a then sitting president of the United States, Donald Trump. Now the Forum, Kiwi Farms has been hit by big media pressure, which had been ongoing but came to a full steam last week, has now been blocked, it seems by another big technology icon, Cloudflare. Cloudflare have left an explanation for their reasons to abandon one of thier clients, however, their reasons seem to lack any evidence, to corroborate their words. Freedom, in the west, where glaring evidence can now be observed in Canada and the United States, has been taking a series of head and body shots and will be knocked out before too long and the irony is, freedom will depend upon the rest of us, in order for it to survive. If that's the case It is clear, that freedom's fate is in great peril.