French Election Chicanery Ends With Hung Parliament.

The deep state globalist cult, seems to be filled with political trickery. The will of the people, is obviously, not their concern. The people voted, yet nothing changed. One supposes, that the French must just vote harder, next time around.

France: Marxist Bloc Wins Second Round Of Election.

The Marxist bloc won the second round of the French election preventing the National Rally from taking over the National Assembly. There was a strategic withdrawal conducted by the Marxists and Emmanuel Macron’s party to squeeze them out of the seats they were project to win in the first round. In retrospect, I guess I shouldn’t have been overly surprised at this outcome. It was obvious they were going to do all sorts of chicanery in the second round to ensure the National Rally did not grab any sort of real political power. What happens now is anyone’s best guess but a hung parliament seems the most likely outcome. Infostormer has the source article here.