Google & WokeTube Are On A Course to Myspace Themselves.

In a grovelling attempt to curry favor to big government, big tech white elephant, Google and it's subsidiary, WokeTube have decided to hide the derision, disrespect, distaste and negative perception of democrats in general and the White House democrats, in particular by, under the pretense of “helping”, small channels from being, put under “dislike attacks.” How thoughtful of them I'm sure the White House will be utterly grateful. I'm sure not knowing how much we hate them will fix everything and make us instantly, or eventually, fall hopelessly in devotion to their anti American policies. Yes. It's akin to little babies, when playing, thinking that just because they're closing their eyes, no one can see them and that they suddenly become invisible in doing so. Yea, Biden has a lot in common with babies, not much, but enough similarities come to mind.

Most of my content providers, have moved on, away from WokeTube, leaving the latter scheduled, for metamorphosis into Myspace and the other, now defunct, useless, tech crazes. Most content providers that are still in that ghetto, are steadily attracting audiences that will soon join them in a spectacular rapture to the lands of reason, higher IQ, comedy, wit, wisdom and knowledge. Places like Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute, Brighteon and a host of more relevant, freedom loving platforms. I've already started dismantling any semblance of Google that I ever subscribed to. I've already murdered Fakebook, WokeFlix, Disney & derivatives, Twatter for Twits and many more. I'm sure I'm no trend setter in this regard. It's the great exodus, destined to create a barren ruin of tech Egypt.