Governments Protecting Themselves By Banning Online Speech.

It's becoming more and more obvious, why governments and people perceiving themselves as powerful, fear online speech and the freedom of expression, ideas and thoughts that it supports. It occurs instantly, in real time, it is unfiltered raw and while it may not meet everyone's idea of what is perceived as the truth, it is raw and real. Not the fake, virtue signalling, pap that one finds abundantly in the organizations claiming to produce news and entertainment.

Now, there are concerted efforts in capitals, all around the world, scheming about how to rid themselves of the shining light of information and the rapid ways in which it is beginning to empower the thoughts and actions of men and women, revealing the motives of the corrupt politicians and their bureaucratic henchmen. It's no wonder that the seek to ban any and all opposition speech, tools and ideas which have the potential, to overthrow their slipping grasp of power the seemingly have. This maneuver by governments to curtail the rapid progress of unfiltered ideas can be witnessed in the United States legislature, the congress, wasting time trying to ban the social media platform, TikTok. They cleverly play on the undesirable aspects of the platform, combining that with the fact that there are many in the US who perceive China as a threat and use that to hopefully trick enough people, with the aid of their media allies of course, will give up their rights of free expression, speech and association. Make no mistakes, the choice to use any social media or online service that's not breaking any laws, is a right of association and the congress knows this but they continue to make new laws that will outlaw this fact.

The are afraid of our ideas, our associations our speech and our thoughts. Let's keep them in fear, it is our right to have the power we do not need government but clearly they have a need to control us and we do not wish to be controlled by them because they are week, foolish, old and tired. It is high time that we take our fortunes up and cut the federal government off at the knees and by simultaneously clipping their wings. No to online or any types of censorship. If any particular platform is found offensive to public eyes, ears or minds, then the simple remedy is avoidance. We do not need the servants that we empower, to do double duty as our parents as well. Enough is enough, if these lawless men cannot abide by the Constitution of the United States then we'll have to dismiss them, let them find new work and or, dissolve this union between us and form new alliances, which will do so. Thank you.