How The Big Tech Censorship Began.

So, it seems as if Trump was out maneuvered and brought down, by a bill which he himself championed. If I remember correctly the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency Act, was in response to alleged high profile hacking exploits occurrences at U.S. companies, many of whom were government contractors. So essentially, Trump, eventually got canceled and run off social media platforms, by government pressure that the D.H.S. and F.B.I. used, under the pretext of national security, using the very same bill, as the codification of the law.

Someone in the deep state, was thinking way ahead. It easy now, in retrospect, to see, that Trump was way out of his league, in the District of Columbia. The deep state were several steps ahead of him. This observation, is by no means an easy thing to admit to, since I love Trump and I did vote for him twice. Of course, that's not really saying much, since at one point I actually felt the same way about G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney and John Bolton, all whom, I now despise today.

Perhaps it's time to reevaluate my alliances. In my defense, however, I rationalize my choices, then and now, as voting for the lesser of two evils. Looking back, and having glaring examples such as the casual acceptance of this bill, that totally paved the way, to undermine his presidency, which he gladly signed, is a glaring example that he really wasn't prepared for dealing with the swamp. Has he learned anything? Have any of us learned anything?

We are all, just only beginning, to realize the type of corrupted rouge operatives and agencies, that inhabit Washington D.C. and other concentrated areas of power in our republic. There was a time when we innocently trusted their words, their slights of hands and the reinforcing reports from their media outlets. Now, it seems, the veils over our eyes are falling away and many of us seem to be paying attention to their words now, and picking apart the narratives and outright lies, which they once used to gain our loyalty, which they used to exert control.

It's a grim, gritty existence, where we find ourselves, however, it's nothing that a little determination, effort and persistence, can't chip away at, to form our desired results. Like most things, though we may wish for instant outcomes, we must pace ourselves, stick with our plans to win, and keep working to achieve our ends. So it is in our daily lives and so it must be in setting the republic of the United States aright.