Humans Are The Carbon That They Want To Eliminate.

One thing about the globalist lizard people, is, they're relentless. They're been at it for fifty years trying to steal our gun rights, our rights to self defense, they've been lying about acid rain, global warming, climate change, vaccines and elections. When all those lies failed, now they're forced to rig elections in order to stay in power to advance their agenda.

Their latest hoax is that nitrogen, the element that makes up 78% or so of this planet, is a problem. Carbon dioxide, one of the life source for all plant life on this planet, is suddenly a poison to us all. Well not if one is native to this planet they're not. Anyway, they seem to have many converts as it is. Instead of sending weapons to Ukraine, people need to start arming up the Dutch farmers. The globalist elitist have begun their war on humanity, fight to live or surrender and die.