If You Stay Home And Don't Vote On Election Day, You Too Are A Part Of The Problem.

On November 3, when I was at the polls in middle White Landia, New York, I was optimistic of a red wave then too, even in corrupt democrat run, New York. Then I stayed up all night to watch the fucking steal and I too, wondered, what's the use of voting if we allow shit like this to happen? However, I don't like quitting, unless I'm quitting a bad habit and it's going to take more than cheating democrats, for me to give up and surrender. Only the targets of democrat hate, can save America. Angry, White, straight men, as usual, must come out in huge numbers and harvest some mother fucking lefty tears.

The men who make America great haven't given up yet, despite all the temptations, gloom, doom and threats. Let them call us the usual names, racists, Nazis, homophobic, misogynous, terrorists and ultra. I mean, before I kept being called a Nazi, racist, I never really had an opinion on the Nazis, really. I did think that, Adolf Hitler's voice was made for giving speeches, I knew that when I'd watch videos, of him speaking, to large crowds, in my college library. Those videos must be long since burned by now, by the current crop of right think, agents, teaching at the universities these days. However, I digress. Being called a Nazi so often, and being lied about and watching the people I support, being lied about too, has had me wondering, if it all just wasn't convenient programming, about those fighting Nazis and perhaps, those Nazis weren't the only bad guys in that war. Long story short, now I don't hate them anymore, thanks lefties. I'll take a Nazi party of America everyday over those two faced corrupt democrats. So even though I'm not a full fledged Nazi socialists, even those fuckers, are preferable to me, than those shit bird democrats. Like I said, thanks democrats, lefty media, speakers, talking heads, I just started seeing the light. I'm even starting to develop my inner racist. It is so liberating to be myself now that the lefties have shown me the way. Those clowns are now good, for more than just comic relief.

Also, say what one will about those Nazis, they were some snazzy dressers and quite ahead of their time, in the military hardware department. I mean look at their helmets, from the 1930's era, that style helmet is being copied by all the world's military units today, starting in the 1980's, when the United States copied the design, for their ballistic Kevlar® helmets. Their machine guns, rifles, pistols, tanks and artillery were utterly superior and again, now being copied. I could go on with the examples, but I'm going to need material for my next posts. The only thing, that stopped the entire world, from being fluent in German, was that bone headed move, to invade Russia, when Britain was there, just ripe for the picking.

Oh, well, no sense crying over spilled milk, eh? How did I get here? Just quit your whining, grab your nuts, go out there and vote these Bolshevik democrats, out of power and sit back with the popcorn as they burn their cities down, along with Washington, District of Columbia. You know who lives there don't you? Yes, you know who, and he loves burning and looting his own. Don't do it for me men, do it for a Washington, D.C. up in flames, as democrats and the deep state, see all their hopes and dreams in ruin. Sorry Folks No Red Wave This Year Image