Indeed, It's All Mostly Fake News & Perhaps, It Was Always Such.

I learned very long ago, that the corporate media houses, were always, ever so supportive of democrat positions and constantly tried to force feed the rest of us. We have a media, prevalent in the west, whose only, seemingly purpose, is to indoctrinate the public, to go along with the careless, mismanaging, practices and decisions, of democrat, communist, politicians. I was ridiculed, of course, whenever I would point out this truth, however, now, even republican politicians, long since blind, can now see for themselves, the merit in these observations. I point this out, because of something Ari Fleischer, one of G.W. Bush's Press Secretaries, wrote recently, regarding the press, and a correlation between the division within the United States and a supposed division of the press. Fleischer's contention, it seems, is that the nation is divided, because the press is divided. He seems to long for those good old days when the whole country could be indoctrinated at one safe government approved place. I'm paraphrasing, of course, mocking too, but that seems to be his lament. One wonders where exactly does that division in the press lie? Since all the networks, all the papers, seem to have the exact same talking points. Fleischer, seems to think he's actually revealing something here to those Americans, that have always noticed the overt bias, within the media establishment. One wonders what he must have been thinking, all those months while he was facing the hostile democrat socialist, during those many months, conducting press briefings at the White House. Did he not realize the division then? Well, it's good that he has now figured it out because it's always better to learn later in life, than not to have learned at all. Read More Here.
