Independence Day, In This Fucked Up Economic Environment.

Happy Independence Day to all my American brothers. I pray that you all have safe and effective parades, BBQs, and fireworks displays.Also, hey, even if you’re not American, have some respect for our culture and grab a burger and blow something up.

Does anyone else remember when any talk on social media, exposing the inflationary trends in the economy, was met by the White House, mockingbird media and the deep state, as misinformation, disinformation, lies and Russian propaganda? However, don't forget that Joe Biden and the Jewish, Zionist, democrats, are all truth tellers.

I guess anything is possible with credit cards. That’s the only reason why this whole illusion has maintained itself. If there were no credit cards, EBT and shit like that people would probably be killing and raping each other for food. Inflation remains out of control. Cookout costs are at a record high for the Fourth of July.