It's Time To Put A Stop To EU & NATO Expansion.

Look, if NATO & the EU wish to expand and generate a war with Russia, by all means let them go and do so. However, I'm not going to that party. The main reason why the EU and the other NATO countries are so cocksure, that they're up to be in conflict with Russia and perhaps, her allies, is their perceived backing by the USA. The average EU citizen hate Americans anyway, however, it seems as if they'll tolerate them, just as long as they pay the bills and fight their battles for them. Also, it would seem that they probably hate the Russians, about as badly as they hate us too.

That's another thing we have in common with the Russians. We're hated by the EU bloc. We should capitalize on that commonality. I don't have much use for Europe myself. In another half century, all the real Europeans, people of European stock, will be out bred and die off, thanks to their idiotic policies. So be it. They're big believers of Darwinism anyway, so it should comfort them to know, that survival of the fittest means they will be leaving Europe, in very capable hands. Yes, it was hard, for me to keep a straight face while I typed that.

The point is, the Russians seem to have a legitimate argument, NATO is using nefarious means, to expand their empire and so is the EU. They first started with, The Republic of Georgia and the Russian Federation put a stop to it. The spy agencies of the west, then started showering enemies of Russia, within the former Soviet Union, with cash and assistance, to cause destabilizing operations, aimed at weakening Russian resolve in order to achieve their expansionist goals. Perhaps, the Russians could find clever ways to reciprocate. I don't like bullies and it seems to me that over twenty countries have decided to take it upon themselves to provoke Russia, into war, while simultaneously, propagandizing at home. If some one want's a war with Russia, perhaps they should be a man about it and fight one on one. In this fight, nuclear arsenal or not, twenty plus versus one, makes Russia the underdog, and in my country, the United States, we were taught to respect, love and support the bullied underdog.

I realize that, the idea of supporting the underdog probably doesn't ring true for many these days since integrity, honor and fair play may be old fashioned concepts to some. However, it's akin to the same concepts of speaking the truth and speaking it ever, no matter what the cost. Regardless of whatever believable lies one spreads, they're still wrong, still false and are vanity. We can always make up our own minds, however, we don't have the luxury or the right, to make up our own truths, except in clown world.