Listen & Pay Heed When Threatened.

According to, China is either running a long con game or is convinced that no one in Washington, indeed, the United States is listening or cares to. According to the sources, including a tweet from someone calling himself Hu Xijin China thinks that the nuclear brinksmanship is a fool's errand, all in vain. He's sure that as long as Washington keeps finding ways to protect herself from enemies the nuclear arms race will continue. Essentially Hu was commenting, via twitter, to the rest of the world, to an opinion piece by Laura Grego, a fellow at the MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Security and Policy, decrying the futility of the US developing missile defense technologies, because, presumably, the more capable such systems get the more energies will be spent to defeat them. So I'm assuming then that she would have us do nothing to further our defense.

It's not a new argument from people such as Laura Grego, whom I'm assuming is a an agent of the raging communist left that has been flourishing for generations under our noses and are safe now to reveal themselves. The Communists regimes themselves have warned the same. Iron sharpens iron. If the Chinese have indeed, developed hyper sonic missiles capable of defeating any defenses then that is a challenge well worth any effort to match, surpass and subdue. Doing nothing will only give our enemies time to perfect their craft towards world domination and world slavery. Doing the opposite will make them spend their much needed energy and money, with their heightened fear in tow.

It is clear to one that, the Chinese, the Russians and the rest of the evil cabal who hate us, including the ones at home, have their strategies to defeat us. We're already at war with them here, right now. They have infiltrated our governments, our courts, our schools, places of so called, higher learning and after November 3rd, 2020, it seems they have found their holy grail. Our elections have become meaningless and an enemy, tyrannical regime can be foisted upon us at will. Should we quit the fight here as well or should we continue these battles, this war to the bitter conclusion? I say we fight and I'm not alone.

The mere fact that they wish us to capitulate is evidence enough that they are afraid and wish to distract us. We'll have to ensure that our votes mean something or we'll be in a hot civil war in no time flat. Which would probably be good for our enemies. However, I think it's necessary for us as well. We have to confront and defeat the enemy in our midst. There is no common ground, no common sense, no common culture because while they may look and sound like us, we have nothing else in common with them. Freedoms, individual liberties, pursuance of happiness and the right to be left alone, are all alien to them. In the effort to have a bloated government controlling their political enemies, they risk becoming ensnared in the same pit. They are of little consequence now for now we fight for our freedoms and our future. Our only fear, should be not succeeding.