M.A.G.A Is The Latest Threat To Freedom.

First it was the communist, until they actually infiltrated and conquered the federal government and entrenched themselves, within. Next it was the Muslims. We all heard how they allegedly, destroyed the World Trade Towers. For years we heard from others how they were a threat to “our democracy,” our freedoms and our way of life. Sound familiar? Now apparently, we have won that war against all those terrorist fiends, because move over Muslims, a far superior threat lives among us, the last of the untamed terrorists, the M.A.G.A. republicans, men who dare to run free.

Who was it, that told us these tales? Why t'was the FBI and other minions of the deep state. We trusted them then, even when they proved themselves untrustworthy. However, for the last six years they have revealed their true skins. They have confirmed what we have always know, that the federal government is corrupt and rotten, from head to core. Indeed, much of Washington, District of Columbia, is.

Now their new targets are the, Ultra M.A.G.A republicans, a violent terrorists group, filled with semi fascists. I don't think that these new terrorist have much to fear from the bumbling Wile E Coyotes of D.C. Judging on how they fought and still fight their phony wars on drugs and terrorism, we know it wont be too hard to be smarter than they are. We also know that the federal government, like all bullies, have no stomach for any real fights.

The democrats have been in an orgasmic state, drooling at the thought that, Indeed, they have finally got the orange man and how pleasant it will be to enrobe him in a matching orange jumpsuit. News from a mere twenty four hours ago, heralded reports that Donald Trump was spotted in an unannounced visit to the swamps of the District of Columbia. All the deep state horses and all the deep state men, were all full of hope, to put Trump in the pen. Turns out, that he was only going golfing. Trump is the ultimate troll.