Many Pharmacies Are Reporting Low Quantities Of Iodine.

I love to keep my iodine levels high, that's why I forage around for seaweed at low tide and eat lots of sardines, mackerel and other seafood. However, ingesting Lugol's solution of Iodine is also an effective method of keeping one's iodine levels topped. Long story short, there seems to be a run on iodine stocks in many Pharmacies in my particular locale and I'm wondering how widespread this phenomenon actually is.

For those who don't know, not only is iodine great for cleaning wounds and cuts, it also can be used to purify questionable water supplies and protect the thyroid gland against radioactivity. It is a bit puzzling and curious as to why the sudden shortages are occurring.

Now in most cases, iodine tablets are used for the purification of water and help in the protection of radioactivity however, it is a curious matter why even iodine solutions are equally hard to come by these days. For some of us having adequate iodine levels is a health concern however there seems to be more afoot.