New York Democrat Politicians Are Above The Law.

After the US Supreme Court's Opinion on June 23, 2022, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. vs. Bruen, the politicians in the state of New York, and New York City, specifically, the mayor of NYC and the Governor of the state, have doubled down on their lawlessness by making their illegal, second amendment infringements, even more draconian.

This has now prompted a new lawsuit, against the state, by the Second Amendment Foundation and the Firearms Policy Coalition. New York may soon be running out of luck and it is high time we run the lawless communist democrats out of town.

Only rich celebrities, corrupt politicians, law enforcement and criminals, have any true freedom in the city and state of New York, despite the opinion of the Supreme Court. If the city and state of New York refuses to obey the law, that makes them lawless and ripe for lawsuits, revolts and protests. The law is king, and those who do not follow the law are in rebellion to the king and may or may not be subject to hanging or worse. Just saying. Long live, the lovers of freedom wherever they may be found. Links: Second Amendment Foundation Firearms Policy Coalition