News Roundup

In the news today, beginning with the forever wars, Hezbollah has been launching major attacks against the Jewish occupiers, after the Israeli occupiers, assassinated a senior Hezbollah engineer and reportedly, launched, barrages of artillery fire. Obviously, Hezbollah, have the need, for more powerful rockets and some trained pilots. Perhaps, in time they will get them. This war could see, many outsiders, within the region, joining the fight, on the side of Hezbollah and the Lebanese.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the Russians seem to be systematically decimating Ukrainian, armed services. The Russians, have offered conditions for peace, and they have made it known that the offer has a time limit. They've made it known, that if and when the peace deal is rejected, then terms of surrender, will be the runner up. This doesn't make the Biden regime, nor the cabal in Kiev look good. In fact, it reveals, both their weaknesses. The Russians are taking their time, systematically, being patient, since even though the Ukrainians are losing, they're still capable of killing many Russian soldiers, if the Russians aren't careful.

The Elections in Europe, specifically, France and Britain, saw the far left, globalists having their day and in the case of Britain, the apathy of the electorate was showing, as only, approximately, fifty nine, percent, bothered to come out voting. It's unsure though, whether a higher turn out, would have made much difference. In France, it seems that all the other parties conspired to ensure that the RN, the party of Marine Le Pen, didn't gain the leadership of the French Assembly. Which could lead to chaos, leaving the country ungovernable, but Macron still deeply entrenched. All the western nations seem to have a suicidal death wish.

Also, India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi made a two day state visit to Moscow, to meet with Russia's president Putin, to discuss all sorts of matters. Needless to say, the EU, the US and the collective west in general are a bit rankled by the apparent closeness, between the two nations.

Also, in the United States, there's a row between the democrats, the White House and the republicans, on a bill that would, make all voters prove that they're eligible to vote or indeed, register to vote. Obviously, the democrats, including the democrats in the White House, are objecting. One assumes, that without massive fraudulent voting, the democrats, would be shown, to be even more irrelevant, that they actually, already are. It's a fruitless bill, currently, since the democrats are the majority in the US Senate, and the democrat president, Joe Biden, will never sign such a practical, common sense bill, that would clearly boost the fledgling, credibility, of the US electoral system.

While on the topic of the corrupt, fake, US voting system, there seems to be the theater, presenting a democrat party coup, against dementia, lying, Joe Biden. The democrats, along with the mockingbird media, are pretending that they've just only now, realizing, that Joe Biden is a mentally incapacitated, goofball. So they're using the recent debate between he and Trump, as the excuse that they've all just noticed that the emperor has no clothes. So they're trying to replace him with someone else. We'll be watching this drama carefully, it's just too bad that I'm on a really low carbohydrate diet, or, I would have been stockpiling, popcorn and beer. As it stands, I'll have to binge out on black coffee. Either way, the Zionist Jewish cabal runs the US government, so the elections are rigged and meaningless. It doesn't matter which lover of Israel wins. They're all pieces of shit. Power doesn't come from voting, power comes from the bed of a Toyota Hilux, Turbo Diesel.

Speaking of Jews, it seems as if the occupying Israeli occupying forces, have murdered, an estimated 186,000, former living souls, in Gaza. They don't seem to be content, however, as they're now opening a new front in Lebanon, against the defenders of that nation, namely, Hezbollah. Hopefully, Hezbollah will supply the occupying forces with ample bloody noses and embarrassment. Death to all tyrannical, authoritarian, regimes.