Of Mules & Donkeys

It's probably not noticeable to normal people, the ones we call normies but here is a tale. Ever since Dinesh D'Souza released his latest film, “2000 Mules,” a political storm erupted around the world, with the District of Columbia, being ground zero. Since the release of “2000 Mules,” there have been a leak from the sanctum of the US Supreme Court, regarding rumors, of the demise of the democrat religion, of child sacrifice, being overturned, on a federal level in the United States, and being returned to the now fifty states, where the most likely belong. No one knows if the rumors are true, however, the do provide needed cover, to obfuscate the reality that, evidence has been presented, to show that the US elections of November 3, 2020, were indeed tampered with, illegally and that, exuberant fraudulent efforts transpired, in order to change the result of what could have been. I hesitate to say change history, for, indeed, history is being played out, even now at this petty pace. Therefore, at times history is too, what could have been, that which almost could have been. I digress. My point, may be even more strengthened, by the news of Elon Musk's attempted purchase of Twitter, his awakening to the evils of the democrat party, his red pill moment, if one will, the news of the democrat establishment, creating an unconstitutional, Ministry of Truth, and now even without the acknowledgement of the film, “2000 Mules,” or it's merits, in this, the third week since the film's release, now the deep state spy network have allowed news, a new disease, pandemic, fear scheme, that something called the “Monkey Pox,” is running lose, planet wide and we must, especially now, surrender our freedoms now, so that we can watch the helpless conmen of the bureaucracy, fail as usual, while taking our liberties hostage once more.

It has not been readily apparent to most, that all these dramatical incidents have only shown themselves, the moment the film “2000 Mules,” hit the proverbial shelves. However, how else can the willful avoidance of the film's existence be explained, by the corporate media in all spheres, save for the alternate right leaning? I'm sure, many would lend themselves to speculation, but I think that the very dismissal of the movie's existence by all the so called news outlets, is all the proof needed, to register, just what a nuclear bombshell, the revelation and impact of this work, to upend the narrative that there is fairness being cultivated in American elections, and all is fairness an life, where all the participants have the attitude of winning some and sometimes not. No, this has always been a dog eat dog, cannibal fest, where only winning matters and at any cost whether monetary or at the cost of the country's soul and electoral integrity. Perhaps, it has always been thus, but never have a more blatant display of desperation, made when suddenly, at this time in United States history, have there been evidence that the people in charge of counting and securing ballots and votes, are woefully inept to do so.