Soon The Only Spending That The Wasteful Government Will Be Able To Afford, Are Interest Payments On Government Debt.

Inflation is just another government imposed, tax on the population. The reason why we have inflation today is the result of out of control government spending. The government, by spending money that we do not have, must borrow it from somewhere. In the case of the US, our government borrows it from the phony Federal Reserve Bank, which in turn, prints more money adding billions more worthless paper competing to buy limited amounts of real products, goods and services.

To date, the cumulative amount of total debt, which grows by the millisecond, is now sitting at thirty one trillion dollars and counting. To illustrate what the interest on that amount is let's just illustrate what just one percent of that sum is. According to my limited arithmetic, the interest payment alone on thirty one trillion dollars would be three hundred ten, billion dollars,(310,000,000,000) and that's just assuming that the interest rate is only one percent, (1%). If the interest rate is say, five percent, (5%), then we see that interest payment quickly move from three hundred ten billion dollars, to one point five, trillion dollars, (1,500,000,000,000) a year in interest payments on the debt incurred, alone. Please feel free to correct my arithmetic and math, just in case.

It doesn't take a mathematician to see the perilous situation that we're collectively in. It's impossible to pay off our debts. However, which politician is going to say that out loud? So what are the solutions? Well if politicians were real people and not phonies worried about every two, four, and eight years, they would come clean with the population and their creditors and try to come up with a less grievous solution than a total wash. However, instead, what they do, is, keep printing money trying to hide the fact that the money their creditors lent them was move valuable, for instance, at the time of the load that sum could probably have bought a car then, however the same amount of money they're getting back from the government today, can only buy a pack of bubble gum. So the government get to keep their word. They have paid you back your money, plus interest, but the money have become so devalued, so worthless, that it has lost most of it's value.

We're going to have to leave their system. We are going to have to create parallels to their ruin. We can see what these parallels look like, in other, more fucked up countries, the ones that use the US dollar as their black market, de facto currency. In many countries, riddled with inflation issues, they use the US dollar as the common standard in which to conduct their black market affairs. However, what do we all use, when the US dollar itself becomes worthless? That's the challenge and the pertinent question one needs to ask. I'm not giving financial advice, I'm just asking some questions and expressing some views. Thanks for listening, or reading.