Stale Fucking Cracker.

There was a time when I'd listen and or watch The Salty Cracker. I started watching and or listening to his program around 2020. He was funny, somewhat more serious and our views seemed, to coincide. Now I can barely get through thirty minutes of his show without turning it off. It's as if I'm losing IQ points listening to that fucking moron now.

He's always giggling while talking and his giggling sounds forced, so it's not even genuine laughter. Also, whatever he's laughing about, which is some alleged joke,he's making, is elusive. Only he gets it. The guy was good once, but he never mentions diddly, about how the politicians we had in common, including Trump, never mention anything they do, that's good for the White man. Salty Cracker is the same, he never mentions the Jew or their subversive acts over the century plus, that they've invaded the US, promoting homosexuality, feminism, socialism, communism, race mixing, racial tensions and law fare.

Salty and alleged conservative, right wing talent aren't really in it for the passion. It's obvious, that what people like him are doing, is not fun for them anymore, it has become work, which is easy for the audience to spot too. One of his sponsors is Black Rifle Coffee, the same company that sold out Kyle Rittenhouse, when everyone was lying, that the kid was a racist vigilante, who shot up a bunch of black people, in Kenosha Wisconsin. Yet people like Salty, who claimed to support Kyle, is now taking, Black Rifle Coffee, Jewish owner's money. That demonstrates, no principles at all.

As stated earlier, when these alleged right wing programmers start phoning it in, everyone can tell, even if they're hardcore fans, in denial. Salty is just phoning it in these days and his show is becoming less relevant, in this household. He's unfocused, not serious, and he's doing his stupid fake laughter while he's talking to the audience. The show has no real chain to follow, or theme. He's just trying to wing it for three hours and he's failing. Phoning it in just makes one a fake phony fuck Salty. Take a fucking vacation and regroup.