Stop The TikTok Ban. Today It's TikTok Tomorrow It's Gab, The Fediverse & Truth Social. Be Warned.

I've never watched a TikTok video by choice or on purpose and even so, my consumption of them are sparse. Stop giving the government, no matter what side they're on, too much power. It's time to clip their wings.

Let's resist this cloaked, Trojan horse, censorship trap. Once they have banned TikTok, what guarantees do we have, that our favorite technology platform, wont be next? Fight this hard and let us send the power hungry in Washington, Brussels, London, Beijing, Moscow and New Delhi.

What is going on right now is a potential breach to weaken freedom of speech, expression and the right to be happy. Let's shut them down, please. Thank you. Just because I hate TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Google, Apple and more, doesn't mean, they should be banned. Thank you.