Sweden Makes Modest Shift To The Right.

Bevara Sverige Svenskt. This is the relative rallying cry of all nations world wide and it should be the rallying cry for predominantly white nations as well. I have confidence, that whites will come to their senses in time. Anyway, some good news from the Viking middle child, Sweden, because, it is being reported, that the Sweden Democrat party is dishing out red pills and, while they're not as hard core right, as the pathetic global media mafia, is claiming, there's hope that they will, eventually be so, one day soon.

Naturally, lefties globally, are reeling and reeeeing but that's how it is in the sham world of voter politics. Either we play fair or we have our revolutions and the people who have nothing to lose but their freedoms, will be the ones fighting hardest. Let's hope the rest of Europe and indeed, the nations of North America, follow suit.