Ten Year Old Transgender Child Model Exploited For Millions.

How convenient, what a lucky couple. Imagine, two endangered, transgender parents, fortunate enough, to have a baby boy, who at two and a half, yeas old, miraculously, realizes, that he's a girl, trapped inside a little boy's body. Amazing story, it actually makes one believe, that unicorns, do exist. Imagine the horror I felt, when my two year old decided that she was a Trump loving M.A.G.A republican. Naturally, my woman, wife and I, made sure, that our little darling, spent years in electroshock therapy, for that little revelation and all the democrats in town, supported our decision, especially, her teachers. If only we were progressive enough to know that all two year old children, know better than their parents, why we could have raised the next Phyllis Schlafly. Oh, well, that's all water under the bridge now. When I think of all the times my parents forbade me from jumping off the roof, with a towel, serving as a cape, when I was five, identifying as Superman, I realize now, just how cheated I was. All that time, inside a young @agentcasey, was a the man of steel, just waiting to get out. I should sue those two bastards.