The Civilized Canadian Uprising.

I have been very lazy. Well not really. I've been spending my time writing on Gab, casting my pearls at swine, I think. I should be spending my time here right? In mi own space. Whomever planned the Canadian protest, the most civilized revolt in human history must be an angel or an artificial intelligence. For surely, human intelligence can not be that far advanced.

The proponents of the Canadian revolution are very artful, thoughtful, creatures, who are craftsmen at reading and molding human nature. They have made hidden creatures, politicians, reveal their true skins by sheer force of wills, courage, patience, wisdom and artful knowledge. How else could one explain the playful creation used to force the Canadian parlament and Justine Trudeau to show their utter nakedness to the world and to Canada, who seems shocked the most. Imagine voting for parasites bent on keeping one enslaved and the moment one awakens from drug infused sleep, to be beaten and contained into submission only to be fed upon more.

The unsuspecting, friendly nation of Canada, the source of world ending, Armageddon underpinnings, the once most trusted nation on earth, to outer worldly dystopia.