The Democrat Deep State Is Still Using The Russian Agent Card To Label All Dissenters.

How original, no wonder they can't win at anything except for prizes in the categories for tyrannies. The neocons and globalists in the deep state ranks have been playing the same card since November 2016 elections and with the aid of their state run media outlets, have been getting away with it, thus far. Even some courts seem keen on giving them helping hands.

This is glaring evidence, of how republics and empires crumble under the weight of greed, corruption and lawlessness. Indeed, the only group weaponizing free speech, and freedoms are the politicians and bureaucrats in corrupt democrat strongholds around the nation with the help of corrupt officers of the courts, lying media elitists and an apathetic, complacent populace.

There is little doubt that this situation can end well. The perception of two tiered justice, will only continue to breed resentment and when the rule of law no longer reigns, then lawlessness must abide. Without adherence to the United States Constitution, we will cease to be the United States of America and will become something else. One hopes that this realization will sink in to all observers because the consequences will be dire and real.

Perhaps, the shortsightedness of these many naked emperors throughout Washington DC and elsewhere, do us all a favor by accelerating the demise and decline of this now failed, corrupt union and maybe after the dust settles, after the collapse some good may come out of the chaotic rubble. Either way, the current system of two tiered law enforcement and lawlessness is unsustainable and it is a contradiction which must be confronted to the end.