The Failure Of The Coup In Bolivia And The Lesson For Washington

In another blow, to the shitbag Jews, running the Washington, DC, deep state, their coup in Bolivia, failed miserably. The methods of destabilization and overthrow of the leadership of truly independent and pro-multipolar states no longer work for the instigators of said methods, first and foremost the American regime. The failure of the very recent coup d'état attempt in Bolivia confirms this thesis and reinforces the idea that the Western global minority will have more and more difficulty achieving its objectives on the international scene.

It only took a few hours for the Bolivian government to take matters fully into its own hands and put an end to the coup attempt against it. The scenario of the 2019 coup d'état leading to the ouster and temporary exile of the country's ex-president Evo Morales, one of the main progressive and pro-multipolar leaders in Latin America, does not did not happen this time.

In general, Bolivian President Luis Arce and former President Evo Morales quickly called yesterday on the country's citizens to mobilize to oppose the new coup attempt that was underway. Furthermore, the Bolivian head of state very quickly appointed new leadership of the national armed forces, who after taking the oath, called on the soldiers involved in the putschist adventure to return to the barracks, something which will be done. As for the main executor of the said coup attempt, General Juan José Zuniga, he was subsequently quickly arrested. Other arrests followed, notably that of Juan Arnez Salvador, head of the Navy.

Now and in terms of perspectives, it would certainly be necessary to note several important points. First of all, on the fact that there is practically no doubt as to who ordered this new coup attempt, which is also similar to so many others in the Latin American space. For this purpose a brief reminder of this week’s events in Bolivia.

Monday, June 24, the Bolivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summons the charge d'affaires of the US embassy to inform her of the unacceptable nature and Bolivia's rejection of Washington's interference in Bolivian internal affairs. Two days later, on June 26, the attempted coup took place. Leaving virtually no doubt as to who sponsored the said attempt. The result was a fiasco for the main party involved.

Second, why Bolivia? Several reasons for this. Part of the countries of the sovereignist and progressive Latin American axis, resolutely committed to the contemporary international multipolar order, candidate for membership in the BRICS, the Plurinational State of Bolivia also has great importance on the geoeconomic level, at a time when geologists estimate that the country has the potential to possess no less than 23 million tonnes of lithium, making Bolivia the nation with the largest global reserves of this strategic resource, necessary in particular for the manufacture of batteries, including for electric vehicles.

As already raised several times by Western propaganda, the Bolivian leadership favors partnership, including economic, with China and Russia, and more generally with the BRICS, of which it wishes, as already indicated above, to become a member. Things that obviously and so strongly displease the West. Just add to this the country's opposition to Washington's neocolonial policy on the regional and international scene and all the reasons are there for the US establishment and its lackeys to have sought to once again bring down the authorities democratically. elected representatives of Bolivia.

In any case the rage of Washington and its vassals, together representing the axis of the planetary minority and those nostalgic for unipolarity, is more than palpable, especially in the context of the global processes of the contemporary world. By the way, the US ambassador in Beijing recently openly accused China of “effectively siding with Russia in the war in Ukraine” representing, according to the said person, a “major mistake”.

But while the enraged representatives of the West each express in their own way this rage in the face of the events specific to the contemporary multipolar era, it would be necessary to mention one last important point, in connection with the fiasco suffered by the Washingtonian regime in Bolivia , like in other places in the world. Because very likely, the CIA, like the US State Department or even the Soros structures still cannot learn the lesson of the contemporary world and the aspirations of the world majority.

Because in order to succeed in a change of power, we must now have the support of the vast majority of citizens of the countries concerned. Africa and more particularly the Sahel region has fully demonstrated this namely when the armed forces march alongside the aspirations of the people, and vice versa when the citizens of the countries in question give all their support to the patriotic and military soldiers. Pan-Africanists. The full complementarity of the army and the people. The Alliance of Sahel States made up of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger probably represent one of the best examples today.

As for the Washingtonian and Western methods of another time, in the pure tradition of “color revolutions” the fact of banking on a minority sold to the interests of the small Western world and trained to bring down, through a few coordinated actions, the authorities of Sovereign states fully adhering to the values ​​of the multipolar world no longer bring the expected result to the dark forces who still cannot accept contemporary reality. In this case, there will be no return to the diktat of an extreme planetary minority over the global majority of humanity.