The Hope For The Extinction Of R.IN.O.S Is Now Yielding Fruit.


I don't want to start celebrating prematurely, however, the prognosis of relegating the species, known as the r.i.n.o, to oblivion and mythology, may be within reach. Sources report to us that things are looking up. The R.i.n.o.s have done much damage on the freedom front, let's look at their record just for this term, of the Biden regime. They have helped the democrats push all their spending bills, including the alleged infrastructure bill, in fact, the republicans in the senate approved much of the democrats incentives. Indeed, the senate republicans advanced the push to disarm lawful legal gun owners, by colluding with democrats and passing an unconstitutional measure, called “red flag laws,” which essentially, makes it possible, just by hearsay, for gun owners to be stripped of their weapons at gunpoint, presumably, without due process, by anonymous tips or otherwise fraudulent means.

Indeed, the republicans, in the senate mainly, only stopped short, only recently, and one assumes that this, saving grace was done, only because the mid term elections are perilously close and they must only be trying to gain some good will, and that's why they didn't sign the “gun grab bill, described as an “assault weapons bill,” and the inflate inflation bill. The politicians in the USA are exposed, with only a few exceptions, as phonies, frauds and suspects of many criminal acts, yet to be proven. I can't speak for every republican voter obviously, but I know that I don't trust any of them until they prove that I have cause to. As far as I'm concerned, most republicans are practicing, closeted democrats, until they prove otherwise. One assumes that they are indeed the controlled opposition, and until there are barriers on the nation's borders and not on our constitutional liberties, rights and freedom, then I'll continue to be under the assumption, that an enemy occupation, yet to be declared is ongoing.