The List Of RINO Traitors Grows.

In August 2021, when the RINO gang enabled Joe Biden's monstrous, alleged infrastructure bill they made it known to all of us, paying attention, that Washington, establishment politicians are a club unto and for themselves and that their main purpose is to govern against the will of the American people. I made a list of the Senators who supported that bill and it seems that we can continue to count on these foes to march in lockstep with the democrats and to further prove, that what exists in Washington, D.C., is indeed, a uniparty of tyranny and their enablers. It's obvious that these politicians don't need our help to be in power so we should oblige them and make sure that they get none. Here is my new list of traitors to watch and ruin forever because ruin is what they have in store for us.

Notice any patterns? I think that I do. I notice that those senators have a proclivity to side with democrats often and consistently. Also, I see that republicans in safe seats in Alaska, who could vote either way, siding with the democrats and Biden. That's unforgivable. I also see that republicans from the North East can never be trusted and are just really opportunistic democrats. Let me know what other patterns you see. Be sure to post them on Mastodon, XMPP and on your blogs and Gemini capsules. Remember to make your own lists, write them down, type them up, post them wherever your voices are being heard. That way you become intimately familiar with the names and habits of the enemy within. I've written these names down in databases, spreadsheets, blogs and word-processors, so many times that I now instinctively know which states these people are from. I'm going to start listening to them on CSPAN as well, so that I may become familiar with their techniques to lie.

So there we are then keep focusing on our representatives that insist on going against our will and are only concerned with enriching themselves. We had a republic lets see if we can keep it, or if we should help tear this one down for rebuilding.

In The Senate:

In The House Of Representatives: