The Media Narrative Given From On High.

Even though, most of us political watchers knew, that the media were all taking talking points from their bosses in the democratic national committee, it wasn't exactly easy to illustrate just what we meant to other people, without the use of audio or video evidence. Rush Limbaugh, would illustrate the word for word proof by playing his, montage, which were audio visual clips, illustrating the identical phrases, words and context, being conveyed, by the media talking heads. He first illustrated this during the 2000 presidential elections, when George Bush selected Dick Cheney, and every news outlet, kept repeating the meme that, George W Bush, being such a perceived moron, chose Cheney as his VP, because of Cheney's, “gravitas,” and in every single, news propaganda show, they all used the same word, “gravitas.” Since then, people, paying attention, have caught on to their little mockingbird game, proving that the media outlets, world wide, are not independent outlets, but controlled ones. Controlled by whom, exactly, is unclear. One assumes that the controlling interest may be linked to some intelligence agency, undoubtedly, by the democrat party.

I'm bringing this point up now, because, in light of the queens death, there has been a similar glaring confirmation, of this media collusion and control, as I noticed the very same thing. Every outlet, made note that at the time of the queen's death, a double rainbow settled over London or the palace of some such horse shit and how her spirit, her, or something or other crossed the rainbow bridge. I presume that the complacent people among us, the normal zombies, ate it up.

The media does this daily with their constant mind controlling narratives and it takes active listening, active viewing to consciously realize their tactics. It's a very enlightening observation, which proves that the media is in the enemy's camp, not to be trusted and far from being the caring allies, many sleeping sheep walkers, think that they are. They aren't even hiding it anymore, perhaps, they don't know that we're watching or listening or, maybe, they don't care to, anymore.