The Real Reasons Why Democrats Want To Grab Our Guns.

The thought of grabbing another person's gun is already a futile option. It's as brilliant as trying to disarm any serious armed individual in a fight. The democrats and their fellow globalists hide behind the thinly veiled shield, of protecting people from gun violence, which is not the case at all. The gun grabbing democrats intent became clear, during the staged, organized riots of the year 2020, when armed citizens made it clear, that enough was enough. When Americans armed with rifles, capable of defending against multiple, marauding attackers began enforcing the law and the peace, the democrats saw, that their strategy of terror, against Americans needed to be altered, the must disarm us, terrorize us with their A.N.T.I.F.A / B.L.M and other community organized thugs, in order to crush our wills and resolves, so as, to bring us into compliance.

It's a clever strategy, for tyrants and men who desire to be left alone, to be free, easily see through the rouse of rhetoric, virtue signalling, lies and deception. The goal of the democrats and the fake republicans are the same as all our real enemies. It is the goal that is bent on weakening us. Whatever strengths that they identify, must be deprived from us, in order that they may win. We have to become less apathetic, more serious, and certainly more aware of their real motives and intent.