The Rest Of Us Just Want To Live Our Lives While The Globalists Want Eternal War.

How ironic is it, that the very same people who insist that people farming, raising livestock, are killing the planet, causing climate disasters, are the very same people escalating a world war that threatens a fiery nuclear war? That the very same people who are actively trying to rid people of defending themselves effectively, are the ones spending billions for war weapons to murder even more masses? Also, have it not dawned on everyone, that the same groups calling everything that's good and true, white supremacy, the same people ignoring the crimes of black criminals across the land? How long will people remain to be blindly led? No one can now feign blindness and ignorance, many people are consciously culpable. Repentance is the action of recognizing our flaws, in thoughts and deeds and atoning for them through change. Anything less, is active compliance with those leading many astray and to the doorstep of war.

The more the establishment globalists try, to dissuade the many millions of people, that the 2020 elections and the ones that followed were rigged and fraudulent, the more the pattern begins to be revealed as to why it had to be done so as to bring us to this point. Prophecy is being played out, right in front of the eyes of many.

One realizes that there are many whom, put no credence in, what many believe are scriptures, however, many cultures have legends of the world being destroyed by a very long flood. Whether that flood was a metaphorical one or and actual one, it cannot be clear. Scientists, geologists and archaeologists suggest that some such occurrence may have happened, some time in man's past, however, what does that have to do with evil men and their lust for power and control?

There are so many pieces missing from our history as humans, if that is indeed, who we are. So many pieces missing, from our knowledge, so many unexplainable mysteries of our past. It's almost as if we have a collective form of amnesia. There are so many things, that we do not know and let's just ask, for arguments sake, if we did find out the answers, would we want to be free men afterwards, or would we wish to be slaves? It is obvious, by their very nature, that we can identify, beings on this planet, who would prefer that only they should be truly free and the rest of us must be controlled and regulated. Who indeed, appointed them our masters then?

Beliefs in scriptures, legends, myths or wild imaginings aside, there is a strong belief by many, that the first global calamity was caused by a flood and that the next one will be caused by a ravaging fire and this time the same people restricting, regulating and bent on controlling us, seem all too eager to let the whole thing burn if they cant be in charge of everything. Are these the types of people we should aspire to be around? I think not, I want them gone from my sight gone from history and hopefully they can be the first to go down in this cleansing with fire.