The Same Tactics Used To Sanction Russia Are The Same Ones The Deep State Will Use Against Patriots In The USA & Abroad.

Is there any wonder why many patriots, right wingers, Trump supporters and many others, can easily emphasize with the Russians and Russia. During 2020, as the elections closed in, many of us started getting censored on social media platforms, then we say the plans of the globalists elitists, very clearly, when they froze the bank accounts of Canadian citizens, who protested, vaccine mandates.

The same tactics are being used against Russia and indeed, any one whom dares to oppose the western global elitists, plan for global destabilization and their ambitions for domination. It is becoming very clear, even to just, mere, casual observers, that the western political leaders, are all, suddenly in lockstep taking their marching orders, not from the people, but from their real masters, the big moneyed elitist and would be tyrants. Case in point, is the swift pronouncement of both the European Union and the deep state coalition of the US CDC and many democrat politicians, forcing the mandatory injecting of children with the untested, experimental vaccine, claimed to be a treatment for the Con-vid-19 hoax, pandemic.

In similar news regarding Russia, the west and tyranny, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, stated that, Russia will be reducing their diplomatic presence in the west, due to security concerns and perhaps, even disgust.