The Weekend Just Begun With Good News & Fun.

I'm a struggling hacker in training and by struggling, I mean struggling to grasp all that I have learned, understanding it all and retaining it. Indeed, I have so much stuff accumulated over the decades that I forget, at least temporarily, some of those things often enough, to alarm myself. For instance, I use the Profanity, XMPP client, and I was in a chat room, and I couldn't remember the command to leave the room. That's so bad and a demonstration of what I mean by forgetting stuff, since that particular command is close.

I'm like Kelly Bundy, from the TV series, “Married With Children.”, Kelly had a hard time being smart since the more knowledge she gained, she would lose the ones gained to accommodate the newly acquired ones. The point is I make plenty mistakes and sometimes I actually learn a lesson or two. While I know plenty of things, the things that I know nothing about, far outweigh and indeed, out mass any knowledge I could conceivably amass in ten lifetimes.

So I wrecked my Soapbox instance, again, I'm always fiddling with things I know very little or nothing about, I keep deluding myself that it's all for the learning. I've always been like that. I was always dude the destroyer. Only lately, I've begun to make a comeback at actually salvaging some of my misdeeds. I made several nightly backups too, and I still have them but I must have done something wrong because the backups didn't seem to take. I should go over the instructions a few more times to see what happened. Needless to say, I'm just happy that I can still recreate the site, even if I start from scratch. That's one of the reasons why I only run single user instances for now.

Oh and another things that I do suck at, but I'm striving to be better, is creating reverse proxy structures in Nginx. However, I've just started getting the hang of it and it's, like most things, once you know exactly what to do, then it seems so simple. However, I've been faking it until a few hours ago and I consider myself blessed, to have finally seen the light.

Well I hope that this entry, left you all still awake and as soon as I'm done posting this, I'll format the contents for my Gemini and perhaps my Gopher servers too. Oh, which reminds me, I'll have to change some entries in their configuration files to take account for the minor domain changes that I've made and I'll probably have to make some adjustments, therefore, no need to give their new addresses now, just yet. Since I'll have to make them up soon.

P.S. For those of you who aren't being punished enough, by reading my drivel and know how to access Gemini websites, my new Gemini link is: gemini:// Now remember, this whole, to me was a gag and I still think it's a funny play on words, fuck your feelings, however, I'm not going to renew that domain name for $35. I paid $5 for it initially, and if they'd charge me $5 for it every year, then I'd own it. So, come August, I'll have a new domain and all the sissies can start having their parties again. I'll keep everyone abreast on what that will be when the time comes. Thanks again, have a good day and enjoy your weekend. Caio.