This Week, Expect To Be Very Amused By The Tyrannical Left.

We're In An Psychological War Zone & We Can't Afford To Lose.

How many mass shootings have occurred only last quarter alone? The mockingbird CIA run media and the politicians sure kept them quiet, since the perpetrators were all colored people, or people of color. Now, finally a mass shooting the tyrannical left can sink their collective teeth in. Finally they'll have the chance to release all that anti whiteism vitriol they've been saving up all year. The anti whiteism runs deep and we're not supposed to act as if we notice that such a phenomenon, even exists. Oh no, we're to become ashamed to be free to think and act. We freedom lovers must surrender our rights, especially when some crazy with a gun, decides that he or she wants to make the news on a particular night. We aren't going to cower, because these are the times when we must especially be vigilant in securing our first, second and all the rest of our natural, good given rights enshrined within the US Constitution.

Obviously, we can't expect democrats to understand this as, they're communists and freedom is a concept, in their minds, only reserved for them. Starting tomorrow, we'll be entertained by a media and political circus and not much else, since like all good communists the left has planned to starve us out, so there'll be no bread to go along with the aforementioned festivities. I wont bother to bore anyone with facts. The fact is, when I'm not preaching to myself, I'm preaching to the proverbial choir and we can already identify the stench. The truth is the normies and the indoctrinated are the only ones who still don't get it. I mean there are many millions of people in the USA alone who can never accept that the so called media has been making a sport of lying to them, since before day one.

It's just too hard for some people to think that people can be that evil and power hungry. They'll probably get it sooner or later. I sometimes wonder if it's even relevant. I so wonder, because I'm from the school of thought, that suggests that all life is vanity and utterly useless in the end. I also hope that I'm wrong too. After all, it seems that we all breakdown and inevitably die in the end. However, I hold out hope that this thing we call life is some kind of training ground. A place where, for some unknown reason, we've awaken in, only to acclimatize us to the wonderful journey that is, I pray is rife with freedom, adventure with unlimited learning learning potential as well. We all get to find out, relatively soon, anyway. So that's definitely something to look forward to.