True The Vote. Doing The Job, The FBI Wont Do.

Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips, jailed for failing to disclose confidential sources. The United States is headed on a collision course and then over a cliff. Suspect voter machines, questionable election officials, assaults on the first amendment, the second amendment and the revelation, that, not too far in the future, this nation, will fragment and be better for it.

For those of us who've seen the documentary, 2000 Mules we recognize this Duo. We wish them strength and patience. Where are the riots for these two? No worries though, for now, the best way to upset the plans of the elitist and their shenanigans, is civil disobedience and non compliance. Later on, if needs be, we'll ready ourselves wherever our fortunes lie.

While the masses are distracted by Twitter, Elon Musk, Pelosi love squabbles, and the mockingbird media, lamenting on about, “muh democracy”, innocent, investigative, amateur journalists, are being jailed for protecting their sources, in an election fraud trial and nobody cares about it. For the tyrants, everything is on schedule and going according to plan.

As we head to the polls next week, at this point, voting is a mere formality, since nothing really have changed since the last time we've voted. So if indeed, there was a steal, there's nothing stopping it from recurring.

All the while, the democrats, Biden White House, bureaucrats and career politicians are conducting operations, of controlled chaos and collapse, of the U.S. and world economies. As absurd as it may sound, there is no coincidence that is responsible for all the world's governments being on the same page, making all the same wrong moves, by accident. They're stupid, but all of them without fail, all reading the same playbook? No, they want the economy to crash and they want it to happen for a reason. A reason they're hoping, that will allow them, to herd us into a desired behavior and they want us disarmed and silently compliant, while we're at it.