Trump Allegedly Almost Started World War 3 On Twitter, Says Stupid Lefty He Should Just Do It The Biden Way, In The Real World.

Lefties are frigging morons and they're not even funny while they're doing it, except when they're screaming at the loss of Hillary to Trump, or crying on TikTok, because they can't legally groom the cute little six year old they have a crush on. However, going back to their insanity roots, here's a useless story by some moron, I know that guy's on Gab are going to have fun with. One wonders, did someone actually pay this clown to write this drivel? At least, I have the decency to write my moronic rants, for free and exclusively on platforms where no one bothers to read my shit. This, is true freedom. Free speech is having the right to say what the fuck I want and having everybody else, not having to hear or listen to it.

Poop pants Joe Biden, his handlers, and a majority of congress, the entire Uni party, are easing us right into World War 3, but at least they have the politeness to do it in the swamp lands of the District of Columbia. They're being cheered on on Twitter by moronic, senile, neocons, I'm looking at you Mark Levin, every so called press outlet, and the entire democrat party. Trump may have almost started some imaginary nuclear war on a virtual platform, according to the lunatic Jon Schwarz, but we're all here now, with front row seats, some of us with popcorn and bourbon, watching the United States with Nero at the helm, sailing into a full grown mushroom cloud and radioactive sea. That'll show that MAGA King Trump, his Ultra MAGA fuckers and you too Elon.